Sunday, December 11, 2005

Scottish Nous's 'You Might Be a Fundamentalist Christian If...'

While not trying to commence another battle in the long-running war betwixt the forces of God and the Unbelievers, Scottish Nous has posted that 'You Might Be a Fundamentalist Christian If...' “You define 0.01 percent as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99 percent FAILURE was simply the will of God”, among other points.

S.N. has also made the prediction that “In the near future a well-written but perplexing article will appear in a prestigous [sic] philosophy journal (perhaps by Dennett?) defending the view that qualia, while identical with brain states, are nevertheless epiphenomenal”, as well as challenging Lindsay Beyerstein, Richard Chappell, and Dr. Pretorius to make their own predictions (at time of posting, only Ms Beyestein had not completed the challenge).


Blogger Samuel Douglas said...

This has some merit in an infinite range type of situation, but the percentage prayers answered is not one of these.

13 December, 2005 13:06  

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